Thursday 14 May 2015

Alan Young saved the students life after a 7.4 earth quake in California thus introducing he to the Divine System of Referance,known as the Matrix or 744.This musical would be awesome for Nepal !

The Road to finding the divine system was a long rugged one...

A part period piece following the Teacher and the student a hundred years apart. It will take the student over twenty years to discover this divine system of reference  744...A bumpy road at that after meeting Ed the Boy in Bamff, who led me to Vancouver to discover Mary baker Eddy's teaching of  The Science of Life Truth and Love ! By 1977, we have had four faith healings, class instruction, CS nurse's aide training, visited The Mother Church in Boston, and engaged to a student of Mrs Eddy. Wow overload, there would be repercussions,relapse, moral idocy to follow the end of a five  year marriage...                                                                                                      Certainly no orderly spiritual rebrith  from Scientific Obstectric's,by John.W. Doorly was taught me first,but now I know it is a prerequsite; along with teaching the student of divine Science, Mrs. Eddyy's place in bible history (revelations 12)We must know the Scientist, this is the Handle which enable's us to understand & demonstrate the principle of Being.The same applied to JESUS, thus enabling his disciple's to for fill their mission of founding Christianity, in this world, even though eclesiastism made martyr's of them.Our third Ed, Alan Young saves the students life after a 7.4 earth quake by introducting her to the preventative side or Science of Christ Science.Ed number four say no more, a holy ghostest encounter in an old southern mansion in Prince Edward County.